Halina Dour and Sally Theran, authors of the article, believe that the endorsement of the superhero ideal and maladaptive perfectionism is the main cause of our society's body image crisis. The superhero body images has lead to unhealthy eating attitudes and poor body esteem. More times than not, these attitudes and low self esteem lead to eating disorders. Dour and Theran have started a studt that examined the maladaptive perfectionism of these superheroes has direct affected children from ages twelve to fourteen. They believe, however, that future prevention strategies should focus on reducing the endorsement of the superhero body image when they have such an influence on the younger audiences.
I believe that in today's society, unhealthy eating attitudes and poor body esteem can be found mainly amongst our youth. Like Dour and Theran, I firmly believe that many of our children fear being overweight and are doing what ever they can to lose that weight in order to fit into the superhero ideal. In the process of losing weight, children will, diet and change their eating habits. Superhero body images have played such an imperative role in the decision of these kids that the societal pressure to be thin and to like picture perfect like "Superman" has lead to dangerous eating disorders. Like the authors of this article, I agree that when society places these superheroes on a pedestal, children view them as perfect. The inability to cope with failing to attain these standards is the stepping stone to unhealthy eating disorders and attitudes within our society's adolescence.
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