Wednesday, October 7, 2015

superheroes influences

Hello reader, I found an article that has an interesting topic regarding men and women and stereotypes. In this Equally super?: Gender-role stereotyping of superheroes in children's animated programs they discuss that in certain shows if not all, women are portrayed as more vulnerable and weak then men, like always a housewife and they were less likely to be listened, noticed or rewarded more of like a toy to the men.  Also women are sexualized and portrayed more as trophies even if in cartoon unlike men they are more aggressive and more likely to have more control of the situation is what this article is stating. Kids as they view this whether male or female it influences them and they believe what they see is the right thing to do depending on what they are and it sets ideas on their still developing brain. It influences preferences for toys or games, kids also began to mimic behaviors by superheroes and some can be violent give that is a cartoon and its not realistic. Although children can't understand the difference between fantasy and reality until about 10 years of age this things can be very influential according Kaysee Baker and Arthur A. Raney. Female superheroes like always are very reveling, less clothing, slim pretty much perfect and more of a team member than a leader. On the other hand males are the leaders and portrayed as more muscular and in control. 
I have to agree with author of this article thing are getting out of control and the media is just trying to set things on children's mind. I do believe its on purpose because they have the power to change certain aspects of them, they should soon come to realization that times are changing. Many women particularly feminist do not like the idea of women still being portrayed as less than men when they are fighting very hard for equality. Media putting things on children's mind to persuade them to be the unrealistic superhero and females  giving in to men as they are the leaders and have control. 

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